Monthly archives: May, 2017

Free Streaming Video Capture – Is It Possible?

Can’t even have a movie date? Can’t follow your favorite TV series? Not updated on what’s happening to your place? Or Country? Because you’re too busy on working or taking care of your kids. Worry no more! You can now do these things without going out because free streaming video capture is now on your side. As long as you have your computer, mobile device, or TV with an internet connection. You can watch anything right from the comfort of your own home.

Here are some sites that provide free streaming:


If you’re a kind of person that don’t take too much time just to download a movie. Well, TubiTV is best for you. It offers free streaming online without downloading. In addition, it has a minimal ad that appears on your screen while you’re watching your favorite movie.


Watch your latest favorite series and movie here. If you want to watch offline you can easily download your movie in just a click. You are able to filter and sort a movie depends on your country and region.


This is the very popular site with free streaming video capture which has an over 800 million user. Many networks are sharing their movies on YouTube for free that’s why you can easily find and watch your favorite movie here. If you forgot to watch your favorite TV series or want to know the latest news you can also watch it on YouTube.

There are many free streaming sites on the internet that let you stream for free so be aware to illegal sites. You will know if it’s illegal if during your registration it demands your credit card, their streaming for free they don’t need to ask something like that. Now, do a checklist of your favorite movies and start watching it for free.

Everything Can Be Hacked, Even Snapchat

We are now living in an era thriving in the digital age. Several devices are operated mainly in an electronic and digital manner. Moreover, it was projected that these devices we are now using to ease our lives will soon be connected to the internet via cloud connectivity. Given this, it certainly poses another problem. What if a person tries to hack into that cloud server and tries to obtain information of all devices connected to it? Definitely, hackers will be able to access several domains and households through their television, internet network, and even their phones and the applications in it. Even now, there are applications and methods that allow you to hack into someone’s account in a social media platforms such as the cyber-attack on a mobile application called Snapchat.

What is Snapchat?
Snapchat is a smartphone application that is essentially a social media platform. It utilizes services such as image messaging, video chatting, and photo sharing. This mobile application is extremely popular to users that it had garnered an estimated total number of users of 150 million worldwide. Given this number of users, it is undeniable that many are interested in doing a snapchat hack. If the hacking is done successfully, it may allow the perpetrator to have access to the files of that number of users around the globe.

Our Accountability in Cyber-Security
It is really a scary occurrence if someone manages to snapchat hack your supposed-to-be-private Snapchat account. Of course, the developers and the company holding the information on your account must ensure that their system is tightly locked. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, the users should also take responsibility in ensuring that everything they have online is stored in a secured manner. This includes changing passwords in a periodic period as well as not divulging any confidential information, such as passwords and user identifications, to other untrusted people.

When You Buy YT Views, Be Sure To Buy Real YouTube Views

Nowadays, people can do lots of activities on the internet. They can do some destressing and relaxing by accessing the internet and going to YouTube. YouTube is a website where people can share videos or watch clips that they are interested in watching. As of present, there are millions of people who are users of this website. Some people made their own personal accounts on this website so that they can upload the videos that they have created. Most of these people want to become famous on YouTube. They can do this by getting real youtube views.

How To Get YouTube Views
It is a must for people to get lots of views in their videos so that they can become famous. For them to be able to receive many views, they must upload videos that will attract the interests of people. They should conduct a research so that they will know the topics that pique the interests of people. Another way for people to get YouTube views is to buy them online. However, before people buy any YouTube views online, they must make sure that the views that they will receive are real views.

Why Real Views?
The reason why it is essential that people will make sure that they will get real youtube views is that the views will not be counted by YouTube if they are not real views. In order for people to achieve their dreams of becoming a YouTube celebrity, they must be able to get high numbers of YouTube views. If they buy YouTube views that are not real, the views will not be added to their official counts of views. In the end, the money that they have paid for the views will be wasted because they were unable to use the views that they bought.

The Legality Of Watching Netflix With Kodi Addons

Nothing will beat watching movies and series on TV even with the presence of computers. Because of this, the TV manufacturers created new television sets that will allow it to connect online. These TVs are also installed players that will be able to play a wide variety of multimedia formats. One of the most loved players of internet TVs today is the Kodi Player.

What is Kodi Player?

This is a basic player that is built to play movies, music, and other media formats on one’s TV or mobile devices. This can be connected to the internet. It can also be installed with Kodi Addons so that one will have more choices of movies and shows to choose from.

What are Addons?

The Addons are the ones that a person can install on his Kodi player. This will allow the player to have multiple channels and sites to search from. The media formats that one can play can range from music to live TV shows.

Is Watching Netflix on it Legal?

This issue always arises because there are many sites on the web today that is related to piracy. Kodi player is a legal player. The Kodi Addons, especially one that is from their company is also legal. One of the Addons that one can install to watch movies and series using this player is Netflix. If one is worried if this is legal, the answer is yes. This is because one will have to pay Netflix for one’s subscription in order to view the content. It will also have the same shows that the site has. In addition, the Addon itself is from Netflix. The only difference is that instead of a person going to the website, the links of the videos are already made available to the Kodi player. All he needs to do is click the movie title and watch it.